Russia in Ukraine July 2022

Russia in Ukraine July 2022

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Much to Russia and Putin’s surprise; since then, the West has remained united, assisted Ukraine with weapons, and has taken in over six million Ukrainian refugees. The EU has also committed to cut back and in some cases eliminate energy imports from Russia.

Winter is coming which will be a test for the Russian and Ukrainian militaries and the EU commitment to decrease Russian oil imports.

…Zelenskyy says there's no point in negotiating with Russia until it gets 'smashed in the face' and all Ukrainian territories are liberated … (Business Insider)

Russia attacks Odesa day after agreement was reached

  • Having brokered an agreement to allow boatloads of grain out of three ports in Ukraine in order to reach “food insecure” countries in North Africa and the Middle East; Turkey, Russia, and Ukraine were set to begin the export exercise from the Ukrainian port of Odesa. On the morning of the shipping, the Russian military fired and hit on the port of Odesa. (PBS)
  • The United States regularly supplies weapons that are needed to attack Russian aggression.(
  • The month of June/July has produced the best military gains for Russia. They have consolidated their gains in the Donbas Region. Rumors abound that Russia is eager to gain a foothold through the South of Ukraine in order to take control of the Port of Odesa and move on to the Russian break-off area of Moldova. (Bloomberg)
  • Ukrainian daily life in the West of the country is coming back even with the occasional Russian airstrike. (AtlanticCouncil)
  • Zelenskyy downplays potential for a ceasefire; Biden signs off on more weapons for Ukraine (CNBC )
  • Russias War on Ukraine, daily updates (Politico)
  • Russia- Ukraine War (Al Jazeera)
  • Finally, Brittany Griner, perhaps America’s foremost WNBA star, is still being held by the Russians. Only today is there a rumor of a prisoner swap. (USA Today)

🤩Tintin is a famous hero of the European comics written by the Belgian artist Herge. He is a brave reporter, who has visited many countries around the world, and recently became the main character of a movie by Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson. In a new fan art, he also visited Ukraine during the unlawful invasion of Russia.

Illustrations published by Bohdan Tsyupyn from the "Voice of America


Go to our Ukraine page to see former daily notes on Ukraine. Learn more about Ukraine and the history of its conflict with Russia-

 Today’s Headlines: (Newsweek) 5.17.22
How can Americans learn more about US Foreign Policy and our political and military decisions on Ukraine- see our Ukraine page-

Learn how to help Ukraine and its people-

Listen to the experts discuss Ukraine- The War in Ukraine and the Future of the World - has received questions on NATO, the EU and on US Foreign Policy due to the Ukraine situation- See our Q & A- Also, See USAfacts on What is NATO and what does it cost to be a member?

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