About CivicSources

CivicSources is a web portal designed to answer all of your civic inquiries. CivicSources will become the go-to-portal for reliable community, regional and national information much as webMD is for medical inquiries or the AAA is for driving and vacation needs. CivicSources does what few, if any websites do- aggregate and vet civic oriented information in one convenient place and provide context for that information.

CivicSources is non-profit and non-partisan. It will not only point you in the direction of answers to your civic inquiries; but also provide thoughtful and concise explanations as a starting point for you to further explore your interests online.

CivicSources ensures that you know the benefits, entitlements and opportunities available to you as a tax paying citizen.  

Perhaps most valuable, CivicSources endeavors to create knowledgable citizens who are inspired to participate and become actively engaged in their community.

Of course, there are already extensive online resources available through internet search engines.  There are even wonderful civic sites on the internet such as i-civics, which was begun by the late Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Conner to assist schools in teaching civics. There are also many other civic oriented sites that stress civics education and some that highlight other areas of civic culture such as The Center for Civic Education. We list many of these on our News & Media resource section. We can engage and learn from them all.

CivicSources welcomes these resources and streamlines the search process through compiling targeted, relevant, and most important, fact-checked search results on any given civic subject- before heading out to the wider world of the web.

Have you spent hours searching to find a local federal government agency in your area? And to clarify what services they provide? Do you have other time-consuming and often confounding questions? Then CivicSources is for you. Our goal at CivicSources is to cut down on these endless searches and to be the starting point for locating the most reliable information on your interests. 

Whatever our political persuasion, we awaken every day to the balancing act between individual liberty and community obligation. Whether our passions lie in issues of speech, guns or healthcare; we use a maze of choices in our decision making. Let CivicSources facilitate these decisions by presenting the most accurate information available to you.


Because of Covid and its continuing impact on the health of those in the United States and elsewhere; we will focus on the pandemic and the issues which it poses whenever new informaiton is available.


  • Our knowledge base will grow the more you contribute to it

  • The interactive nature of CivicSources, depends upon you. The more questions you ask and the more in depth the conversation, the deeper and wider our links will become.

  • What are the biggest problems in your community? Want to know more about them? If others have the same issues?

  • You are welcome to contribute your suggestions, additions and corrections to our content on several places on the site

  • With each subject covered, we will add, consolidate and make available as many sites and links to relevant, already fact-checked, inquiries

  • If you are interested in contributing a commentary, editorial or piece on a topic which interests you, please feel free to let us know

  • Because we are small, we can dedicate a part of our site to personal Q & A’s and focused interactive discussion amongst our readers 

  • In the future, we look forward to hosting online interactive events focusing on specific subject and policy interests particularly relevant to our readers

  • Please stop by often and spend some time with us

  • Go to the blog, explore all of our resources and leave comments and questions in order that we can build our knowledge base together  

  So…. once you’ve made your Whole Foods, Amazon, and Zulilly purchases; we sincerely hope that you will search us out for the best, most reliable and expert sources on those issues confronting us today